Department of Physics


The Department of Physics, which was established in 2006 within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Adıyaman University, started offering education by accepting its first students in 2008. In our department, which had its first alumni of BA in 2012, many undergraduate and graduate students have completed their education and training until today. The education and training activities of our department are carried out by a strong and dynamic academic staff who are experts in their fields. There are five divisions in our department:

  • Division of Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Division of General Physics
  • Division of Solid State Physics
  • Division of Nuclear Physics
  • Division of High Energy and Plasma Physics

In our department, it is aimed to train physicists and future scientist candidates who have gained the ability to think scientifically and have the necessary equipment to solve the problems they may encounter in their professional lives, have adapted to science and technology, and have the qualifications and basic knowledge to make their own contribution when necessary. Throughout their education, the graduates are equipped with the knowledge to understand and interpret the notions of physics, to carry out research and development studies, and to assimilate modern analysis techniques based on theory and practice, with the help of the knowledge access techniques they have been taught, they are also conscious of being up-to-date, modern, and informed for a lifetime. Graduates of this department can be researchers in their fields as well as sources of useful and productive services in Research and Development units of various institutions and organizations, modern analysis and quality control laboratories, and educational institutions if they get the necessary training.


To provide undergraduate and graduate education at universal standards. To equip individuals with scientific analytical thinking and analysis skills in the field of Physics. To raise distinctive, creative, and broad-minded individuals complying with our national, and moral values. To become a nationally and internationally recognized department in the field of physics. To establish close cooperation with research groups in which similar activities are carried out by doing scientific research, publication, and consultancy at national and international level. To train researchers who can make outstanding research at national and international level, to become one of the important centers in the field of physics for national and international researchers with its opportunities and capabilities.


To educate individuals who can contribute to the economic and scientific development of our country, have professional knowledge at a level that can produce solutions to problems with scientific approaches, are compatible in teamwork, have high communication skills, prioritize ethical and social values, follow developing technology at the international level, and take part in higher education and institutions to conduct original research with theoretical and experimental knowledge and skills.

Message from the Head of Department

Physics is the foundation of all the natural sciences and the most advanced and dynamically changing discipline in the natural sciences. Physics also continues to enrich our knowledge about the nature and will be a driving force in opening up future society.

The Department of Physics has both experimental and theoretical research activities with emphasis in Atoms and Molecules Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy and Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics. The Department of Physics has already made its mark at the national and international level with several funded research projects, research collaborations across the country and globe.

The Department of Physics provides a wide range of courses for the undergraduate students. Each year, students are offered a comprehensive range of compulsory and elective lessons which guides research knowledge and experience. Thus, it is aimed that students who will graduate from the Department will not just gain knowledge and skills but also learn methodologies of natural sciences and research techniques. The Department also offers computing facilities and students are encouraged to use the computers as much as possible.

This department is committed to training young people who are sensitive to the issues of the country and the world in which they live, who are knowledgeable, intellectual, and responsible.

I invite you to further explore our department. If you have any questions or want to schedule a visit, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Academic Staff

Head of Department

       Prof. Dr. Bayram TALİ

 Vice Chairs

       Prof. Dr. Niyazi YÜKÇÜ

       Asst. Prof. Serkan GÜLDAL


Division of Atomic and Molecular Physics

Prof. Dr. Niyazi YUKCU (Head of Division)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Serkan GULDAL

Division of General Physics

Prof. Dr. Eda SONBAS DHUGA (Head of Division)

Division of High Energy and Plasma Physics

Prof. Dr. Bayram TALI (Head of Division)

Division of Solid State Physics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Osman AYAS (Head of Division)

Division of Nuclear Physics

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ozge ERKEN (Head of Division)