Department of English Language and Literature


Department of English Language and Literature at Adıyaman University was established in 2006 within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. It started accepting students in the 2018-2019 academic year. The language of instruction at our department is English and placement is made based on the foreign language score of the Turkish Higher Education Institutions Exam. Students who are eligible to study at our department will take the English proficiency exam. Students who pass this exam successfully will be freshmen. Those who fail will be accepted to the one-year compulsory English preparatory programme.


The mission of the Department of English Language and Literature is to achieve high academic success and, with a modern understanding of education, to raise individuals who are well-versed in English Language and Literature and Western Culture.


The vision of the Department of English Language and Literature is to be an internationally active, well-equipped department that influences the future.

Dear Students,

The Department of English Language and Literature was established in 2006, the year that our university was founded, and became active in education by accepting its first students in the 2018-2019 academic year. The language of instruction at our department is completely English. At our department, which has a one-year compulsory English preparatory programme, our students who get the required scores in the English proficiency exam start their education as freshmen, and our students who do not get the required scores in this placement exam start the English preparatory education.

A four-year intensive education in literature and culture is provided by our department, and our students also have courses on literary and cultural theories in their historical development. As a department, our aim is to ensure that you acquire the knowledge, experience, and skills you may need at international level. For this purpose, while preparing our curriculum, in addition to traditional courses, we have also added courses in which we can include the latest developments in our field. To this end, our programme is suitable to be updated in time. With a modern understanding of education, we aim to raise you as individuals who not only know English Language and Literature very well, but also gain a better understanding of their own culture and literature, who can make analysis-synthesis and who are well-equipped. It is of great importance for us that our students graduate as intellectuals who combine their creative, free, and critical thinking skills with their written and verbal foreign language skills.

When you complete the intensive education programme at our department, you can have the opportunity to find a job in various fields in the public or private sector. Being academics at universities, teachers at public or private schools, translators at ministries or import-export companies and consultants for foreign education are just a few of these options.

If you also like to read, carry out research and learn, we will be pleased to welcome you at our department.

Academic Staff

Head of Department

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat ÖĞÜTCÜ

Vice Chair

Assist. Prof. Dr. Berivan SALTIK

English Language and Literature

Assist. Prof. Dr. Tahsin ÇULHAOĞLU

English Linguistics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orhan HANBAY

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat ÖĞÜTCÜ


Assist. Prof. Dr. Berivan SALTIK

Assist. Prof. Dr. Özge ÖZGÜN

Assist. Prof. Dr. Özlem SAYAR